Welcome to the world of progamming

I am atul anand (software engineer ) , who love coding and developing fun applications.
Here are some cool application i made which will motivate you guys to create one of your own.
Enjoy and keep learning.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tic Tac Toe with artificial intelligence

Hello coders ,
  I have developed Tic Tac Toe game using min-max algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.

I openly challenging you that you cannot win against computer . He is toooo smart ;) ;) .

Please find below link for the code :-

P.S: Do not use ideone.com to run the application , as you have to give input at run time hence will give some errors. Please execute code on your local system.

Keep Learning and keep enjoying :)

Algorithm tutorial

Hello all,
  please find below awesome algorithm tutorial website.
